Perubatan Alternative

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Bandar Tasek Mutiara, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Phone number 0192851005(Buat masa ini berada diPulau Pinang)Cubalah Jika Diizinkan Allah...Klau nak tulis memang banyak tapi yang biasa orang jumpa Kak Nah lebih kurang macam nilah Banyak penyakit yang berunsurkan Sihir atau dikenali orang ramai (Buatan orang)Santau, Terkena minyak mati bunuh,Terkena ganguan Jin,dan sekutunya. Mengamalkan perubatan Tradisional Termasuklah.. Pengasih suami isteri, Minyak Cenuai, Barang Hilang(nak menilik), Lambat ketemu jodoh,Mandi Bunga,Nak masukkan Pendamping(Macam puterike,Datok,Panglima,dan sebaginya, Perubatan alam Ghaib(nak berhubung dengan penunggu atau Saka, Sakit terkena,(biasalah macam macam), Dan Macam macam lagi yang berkaitan dengan Perubatan Tradisional.Kak Nak hanya berusaha dengan sepenuh hati dan harus ingat hanya Allah sahaja yang mampu megubatinya..Ape ape pon kena berusaha dengan JalanNya

Gunung ledang

Gunung ledang

Saturday, October 31, 2009


THE LEGEND OF PUTERI GUNUNG LEDANG (Princess of Ledang Mountain).

Most people in Malaysia knows the legend of Puteri Gunung Ledang, however, not many realised this legend happened in the district of Muar, north of Melaka.

According to Malay belief in the old days, there was a beautiful jin princess who lived on top of Ledang Hill and was called Puteri Gunung Ledang. The princess had seven sisters originated from Java. Her other relatives in Malay peninsular were Puteri Gunung Banang in Batu Pahat, Puteri Gunung Panti in Kota Tinggi and Puteri Gunung Beremban in border of Johor and Pahang.

These jin princesses cannot be seen by human beings. However, some people like Malay traditional medicine man and people who lost their way in the forest, sometimes meet and talk to them.

According to the Malay story told verbally, Puteri Gunung Ledang stayed at the top of Gunung Mahligai (Mahligai Mountain). She had a lover who lived on top of Gunung Rundok (Rundok Mountain). Every night the mountain top of Gunung Rundok will approach near Gunung Mahligai, and the two lovers met and spend the time until early morning. After a few years, one night, while spending the time together, they did not realised the time had passed early morning. The act was against the curse of jins causing the mountain top of Gunung Rundok slanted until today.

If we were to climb Gunung Ledang from Kampung Asahan (Asahan Village) in Melaka, we will encounter a deep crater before reaching the mountain top. This large crater was belief to saperate the mountain top of Gunung Rundok and Gunung Mahligai along Mount Ledang.

The mountain top of Gunung Rundok cannot straightened itself. So the jin prince have to stay at the top of Gunung Mahligaitogether with Puteri Gunung Ledang and were married.

After the wedding, they went for honeymoon to Pulau Besar (Besar Island) at the Straits of Melaka. One day, while Puteri Gunung Ledang was sewing under a coconut tree at the seaside, her husband came from behind to surprise her jokingly. She was shocked and accidently stabbed her husband's hand with her sewing pin. Immediately, her husband fell to the ground and died, as it was a curse on him to die if stabbed by a pin. She was very sad and hug her husband's body and said:

"Oh my love, Putera Mambang,I swear I will never marry again until I die."

She went back to Gunung Ledang soon after.


As the story goes, wife of Sultan Mahmud of Melaka died and he mourned for her death for quite a while. This caused some concern among the heads and ministers of Melaka.

They asked the sultan to get married again. Quite a number of beautiful princesses and daughters of ministers and nobles were presented to His Majesty. he refused them all with all kind of reasons. His Majesty still loves his late wife.

One day, while His Majesty was missing her late wife, his Bendahara (Prime Minister) came and presented the story of Puteri Gunung Ledang to him. The Bendahara suggested to His Majesty to marry Puteri Gunung Ledang and becomes his queen. His Majesty agreed.

A few days later, His Majesty send a team of messenger to propose marriage to Puteri Gunung Ledang. The team consist of his famous general Hang Tuah and Sang Setia. Tun Mamat was the sherpa. During their journey, they reached the foot of the mountain. There was heavy storm and they could not climb up and Hang Tuah have aged.

Tun Mamat went alone through rough terrain and through deep forest, until he managed to reached the mountain top of Gunung Ledang. He was surprised to discovered a beautiful garden full of flowers with birds chirping and flying around it. The garden gives a very extraordinarily beautiful and happy feeling. While Tun Mamat were impressed with the beauty he encountered, an old lady came an called him. "Who are you, and where are you going?" asked the old lady.

"I am Tun Mamat from Melaka, instructed by His Majesty Sultan Mahmud to propose marriage to Puteri Gunung Ledang, and may I know who are you?" asked Tun Mamat curiously.

"I am Dang Raya Rani, servant ot Puteri Gunung Ledang. If that is what you wish, please wait a moment, while I refer this to Her Majesty." answered the old lady.

She disappeared for a moment and came reappeared after a while and said, "Tun Mamat, please send Puteri Gunung Ledang's regards to His Majesty . Her Majesty said, if His Majesty want to make her his queen, His Majesty must grant her these special presents that is 7 trays of mosquito's heart, 7 trays of germ's heart, one barrel of tears, one barrel of young pinang juice, one bowl of His Majesty's blood and one bowl of blood of His Majesty's son, Raja Ahmad. She also requested His Majesty to build a silver bridge connecting Melaka and Gunung Ledang.

Tun Mamat went down to Hang Tuan and Sang Setia and they return to Melaka. The wishes of Puteri Gunung Ledang were presented to His Majesty and he agreed to grant it all except to give one bowl of his son Raja Ahmad's blood.

Puteri Gunung Ledang's nonsensical wishes for those special gifts were just an excuse not to accept the marriage proposal from His Majesty the Sultan of Melaka as she is still loyal to her late husband who died in Pulau Besar.

Contributed by Hassni Bin Hussin's Web Site (Bahasa Malaysia)

Gunung ledang

Mount Ophir, or more commonly known by its Malay name, Gunung Ledang, is a mountain situated in the Gunung Ledang National Park located in Ledang District (northwestern Johor), Malaysia. The summit is located between the border of Muar and Malacca. Standing at 1,276 m (4,186 ft), with a clear trail leading to the peak, the mountain is a popular destination among amateur climbers. Mount Ophir is also the 64th highest mountain in Malaysia and arguably the most climbed mountain in the country, despite it having one of the higher climbing fatalities in the region of South-East Asia. Camping on the mountain has been forbidden after the death of campers who were crushed by falling trees in separate incidents.
A resort at the foot of the mountain was opened in the recent years. Called Gunung Ledang Resort, it offers decent accommodation and adventure programmes. However, the access to the top of the mountain can only be made through the National Park office, which is a few kilometres away from the resort. The trail from the resort has been closed due the death of campers.

Sejarah Puteri

Kisah Puteri Gunung Ledang termaktub dalam dua buku lama, iaitu "Hikayat Hang Tuah" dan "Sulalatus Salatin". Sulalatus Salatin lebih dikenali sebagai "Sejarah Melayu". Buku Sejarah Melayu adalah lebih lama berbanding Hikayat Hang Tuah.

Dalam Sejarah Melayu, Puteri Gunung Ledang dikatakan amat cantik hingga diingini oleh Sultan Mahmud dari Kesultanan Melaka. Pendekar yang diutuskan meminang ialah Laksamana Hang Tuah, Tun Mamat dan beberapa orang lain. Semasa kecil, Hang Tuah berguru silat di atas Gunung Ledang dan biasa dengan jalan ke puncak Gunung Ledang. Akan tetapi kala ini, umurnya telah terlalu tua untuk ke puncak Gunung Ledang.
Dengan itu, Tun Mamat ditugaskan ke puncak dan menemui seorang nenek tua atau lebih dikenali sebagai nenek kebayan yang sebenarnya, samaran kepada Puteri Gunung Ledang. Puteri Gunung Ledang dikatakan menolak pinangan Sultan Mahmud dengan mengenakan tujuh syarat yang tak mampu ditunaikan, ialah:
1 jambatan emas dari Melaka ke Gunung Ledang.
1 jambatan perak dari Melaka ke Gunung Ledang.
7 dulang hati nyamuk.
7 dulang hati kuman.
7 tempayan air mata anak dara.
7 tempayan air pinang muda.
1 mangkuk darah Sultan Ahmad, iaitu anak Sultan Mahmud Shah, dan yang masih kanak-kanak lagi.
Semua syarat itu sanggup ditunaikan oleh Sultan Melaka kecuali darah puteranya.
Dalam Hikayat Hang Tuah, Sultan yang meminang dengan Puteri Gunung Ledang bukannya Sultan Mahmud, tetapi Sultan Mansor Shah.
(Dalam karya agungnya Sulalatus al-Salatin (Sejarah Melayu) Tun Sri Lanang mengisahkan tentang Sultan Mahmud yang setelah kematian isteri, berhasrat meminang Puteri Gunung Ledang. Baginda tidak mahu beristerikan puteri raja biasa kerana ia bererti sama dengan raja-raja lain. Baginda ingin tampil lain dari yang lain. Katanya, “…yang kita kehendaki barang yang tiada pada raja-raja yang lain, itulah yang hendak kita peristeri. Akan sekarang, kita hendak menyuruh meminang Puteri Gunung Ledang;…….” ).
Selain itu dalam Hikayat Hang Tuah, sahabat yang menderhaka ialah Hang Jebat. Akan tetapi dalam Sejarah Melayu, cerita Shellabear ialah Hang Kasturi.